

When I was a child, I wondered who would I have been if I had been born in a different place, at a different time and in different circumstances. I wanted to travel the world as a Peace Corps volunteer and as a journalist. I wanted to be an anthropologist gathering and documenting stories about people and events. I wanted to change the world with my words. 

Although I married young and never joined the Peace Corps or worked for a major journal, I’ve had several careers and a much more varied life than I could have imagined. I found out about who I am in different circumstances. I make my living traveling among departments and listening to business people, lawyers and engineers tell me their stories.  Then, using the tools of my trade, I help them articulate the vision and facilitate the manifestation of technical and business solutions that provide value to the community.

I am currently authoring books and articles that combine social psychology, organizational anthropology and technology. I’ve also become a safe water and food activist, working in association with scientists and other activists. I guess I got my wish, after all.

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What you should know



About me

With my children, Sandy & Brandon